The winners of Art & Essay competitions who will be the future in creating a culture of Human Rights in our country were award too
The winners of Art & Essay competitions who will be the future in creating a culture of Human Rights in our country were award. 2183 Applications were sent to Schools & Religious Schools in Sinhala & Tamil Medium covering the entire Central Province. 1390 students from 187 schools in Central Province participated in Art & Essay competitions, while 976 children from 177 multi Religious Schools (Sunday Schools) participated in the 2017 Art & Essay competitions. The Art & Essay competitions initiated a discussion on the most crucial human rights issues among the students, teachers, and parents, religious and within a larger section of the civil society.
It was first time that the Human Rights Office of Kandy organized a debate competition for the schools and inter-religious Sunday schools in the Central Province. The debate competition 2011 focused on Human Dignity and the theme was “Human Dignity and Justice to all”. Apart from the Art and Essay competitions for schools and Inter-Religious Sunday schools the debate competition was organized in view of the International Human Rights day scheduled for the 10th December. The response was overwhelming with 63 debate teams from the Central province coming forward to the competition in both Sinhala and Tamil mediums. The competitions were held since August and will finally complete on the 04th of December 2011. Various Human Rights topics based on Human Dignity were given for the debate such as Competitive educational system that over look Human Dignity, Role of the Media in promoting the human dignity and justice, Relevance of the international laws to our country, the effectiveness of the law enforcing agencies in safeguarding the Rights of the civil society, Role of the justice system in establishing a culture of human rights that protect the Human Dignity etc. The objective of the debate competition was to create a discussion within the civil society on various Human Rights issues beginning from the senior college students. As expected the discussion spread to the principals, teachers and the parents gradually as the children were helped assisted and prepared by them. Further there was a variety of teams Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu’s and Christians from both schools and inter-religious schools participating in the competition. Children from very remote schools with less facility also participated in the competition and the Human Rights office note this as a great achievement in creating a Human Rights discourse within the society. Six members comprised the debate team, while four of them actively participated in the debate. The panel of judges included lawyers, university lecturers, graduate teachers and experienced debaters and they played an active role throughout the competition and the Human Rights office appreciate their commitment. The debate teams profusely thanked the Human Rights office for organizing the competition and noted that it was the first time that so many debate teams came forward to participate in a debate competition in the Central Province. The debate competition was held from October – December 2011 for almost 08 days with morning and afternoon sessions and the children had spent lot of time preparing themselves for this event along with their teachers and parents amidst of their school third term academic studies. The school teams were backed by their colleagues and friends and therefore the discussion extended to a larger audience. The Champions, runners-up and the semi-finalists will be awarded during the Human Rights Award ceremony on the 10th December 2011 at the Trinity College Kandy. 01st Round : Schools - Tamil Medium 11th October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy 01st Round : Schools - Sinhala Medium 15th October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy 02nd Round : Schools – Tamil Medium 23rd October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy 02nd Round : Schools – Sinhala Medium 26th October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy Semi Finals : Schools – Tamil Medium 30th October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy Hindu Senior College - Kandy Vs St. Sylvester’s College - Kandy Hindu College - Gampola Vs Rillamulla Tamil Maha Vidyalaya 03rd Round : Schools – Sinhala Medium 30th October 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy Nugawela Central College - Nugawela Vs Dharmaraja College – Kandy Sri Sangamitta Balika National Schools – Matale Vs St. Sylvester’s College – Kandy Gurudeniya Maha Vidayalaya – Gurudeniya Vs Dharmawickrama Balika Vidyalaya – Kandy Denike Secondary School – Rikillagaskada Vs Pushpadana Balika Vidyalaya – Kandy Semi Finals : Schools – Sinhala Medium 05th November 2011 At Sathyodaya – Kandy Pushpadana Balika Vidyalaya – Kandy Vs Dharmaraja College – Kandy Dharmawickrama Balika Vidyalaya – Kandy Vs St. Sylvester’s College – Kandy Finals : Schools – Sinhala Medium 26th November 2011 At Good Shepherd Convent Kandy Champions : St. Sylvester’s College – Kandy Runners Up : Dharmaraja College – Kandy Finals : Schools – Tamil Medium 26th November 2011 At Good Shepherd Convent Kandy Champions : Hindu Senior College - Kandy Runners Up : Rillamulla Tamil Maha Vidyalaya – Kandapola Inter-Religious Sunday Schools – Sinhala & Tamil Medium
01st October 2011 At St. Anthony’s Cathedral - Kandy |